Sunday, December 21, 2008

Using the Solstice Energy for Attracting Manifestations

Are you using the solstice energies to assist in manifesting the life you want?

The Map of Manifestation is about harnessing, expanding and utilizing all the energy available to create the life you want.

The human race has always used any energy available to create whatever was needed in life.
Today we use mostly energy created by a human process, electricity, money, combustion, gasoline, nuclear power and solar energy to power our lives. Additionally we use our own internal energy which is manifested through proper nutrition, stress management, exercise and will.

Why not use the energy of the Solstice as part of your energetic toolbox?

The Solstice is not only a day when the light is the longest or the dark is the longest, but it signals a time when energy of a specific kind are available to you to use to manifest your dreams.

As of today the light in the northern hemisphere is growing. Use this energy to make plans for the next half of the year. You have more energy available to you for planning and growth. As light slowly grows in the northern hemisphere create your goals. Don't wait til the New Year.

Start now. Start by dreaming. As the light in the sky grows, write down your dreams and fashion them into goals and plans of action. This is how to utilize the Solstice energy to manifest your dreams.

If you are in the southern hemisphere the darkness is growing. Use this energy to wind down your projects. Enjoy the fullness of what you have created. Don't add any new big plans. Stick with the ones you have already made. You still have plenty of light for another three months. Begin to harvest what you have created.

Here is a plan of action to use the Solstice Energy:

Northern Hemisphere:
  1. Create 15 minutes to do this exercise - undisturbed
  2. Best after sunset
  3. Shut off phones and close door
  4. Sit or lie down quietly with a pen and paper
  5. Close your eyes
  6. Take in three deep breaths
  7. Ask yourself "What do I dream of for this year?"
  8. Allow yourself to ramble, allow images to arise - write them down
  9. Do not judge if it is possible or not.
  10. Continue to ask yourself "What do I dream of for this year?"
  11. Allow yourself to dream and write down the answers.
Place your sheet of paper under your pillow for the next week. If you wake up with more dreams just add them to the list.

Southern Hemisphere:
  1. Clear 1/2 hour to do this exercise - undisturbed
  2. Go to a quiet place outdoors
  3. Face the direction of the sun... this is best at sunrise OK if not at sunrise
  4. Visualize all the dreams that you have manifested since the last solstice
  5. Send out the energy of gratefulness to them
  6. Write down the manifestations
  7. Classify the manifestations into three columns
  8. The three columns are... FULL//IN THE WORKS//JUST BUDDING
  9. Choose to spend time enjoying your dreams that feel FULL
  10. Shed light upon the dreams that are IN THE WORKS - reevaluate where they are on your Map of Manifestation
  11. The dreams that are JUST BUDDING resolve to use solar energy to help them grow.
Place your chart on your altar, sunny windowsill or near a plant for the next week. If you realize that more of your dreams should be added to this list during the week go ahead and write them down.

Next week we will continue.

If you would like to own a workbook of Solstice Manifesting - please shoot me an email or tweet me at miritturley

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